Adobe Systems



one coordinate at a time

a non-profit group

Where Are You? Caching Our World’s mission is to answer that question and many more by introducing children to the multi- faceted world of geography.  Our philosophy is simple: Geography is everywhere.  Our organization believes geography is the study of the interplay between man and his environment. The study of geography is a lot like looking in a kaleidoscope. The world a child
perceives results from the study of the world through the many pieces that form the discipline of geography.  When viewed through a geographical kaleidoscope, every village, town and city  tells a unique story of the people and their relationship with the earth’s landscape.  Our organization is founded exclusively to promote, educate and celebrate the world of geography.


today’s youth


Primary Address

107 Fairborn Drive

Hamilton, Ohio 45013

To contact us:

Phone: 513-737-8765
